Springs Connect provides businesses with solutions for their “big data” problems. From big data transport to issues involving synchronization of large directory structures, automation of workflows, creating audit trails, etc. we have the knowledge and expertise to solve your industry’s unique big data challenge. With over 10 years experience working for various sectors, we provide secure solutions for issues commonly associated with your area of business. Challenges can be generic, such as backup of large data, or they can be industry specific, such as dealing with video data as in the media world. But is is very likely we have seen it before, and provided solutions for it in the past.
Our solutions primarily use the IBM Aspera product suite, but we also provide open source and other vendor solutions.
We work in tandem with our business partner, OSS Inc. to fulfill contracts. OSS is IBM’s core business partner and they acquire new licensing, trade-ups and service contracts on our behalf. Service contracts are executed with OSS and they provide the billing. Springs Connect are the technical partners, and the personnel that actually perform the work, the personnel working closely with your team.
For existing solutions with the IBM Aspera suite of products, we require a valid support contract with IBM. We work with the customer to download the upgrade software, patches, etc. with their existing IBM Passport Advantage account.